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Life-saving statistics
It's important for our supporters to know how their contributions are used, and how many lives we save each year. Below you will find our statistics for the calendar year (January-December).
2024 Calendar Year Statistics
Total animals brought to HSoP: 510
Total animals adopted: 329
Total animals returned to owner: 161
2024 save rate: 97%
Total identification provided to owned pets: 70
Total owned pets fixed through SNAP: 49
Total feral cats fixed through TNR Program: 81
Total owned pets assisted through our Pet Supply Pantry: 2,236
Total HSoP volunteers: 277
Total hours spent volunteering at HSoP: 1,498

2023 Calendar Year Statistics
Total animals brought to HSoP: 501
Total animals adopted: 259
Total animals returned to owner: 185
2023 save rate: 97%
Total owned pets microchipped: 46
Total name tags made for owned pets: 52
Total owned pets fixed through SNAP: 46
Total feral cats fixed through TNR Program: 89
Total owned pets assisted through our Pet Supply Pantry: 2,371
Total HSoP volunteers: 264
Total hours spent volunteering at HSoP: 1,319

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