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  • Financials | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Take a look at our shelter's financal reports over the last few years. We are committed to maintaining full transparency with our supporters. HSoP Financial Information We appreciate our supporters and donors more than we can say. Knowing where your donation goes is important, so we have attached our annual 990 forms for all to view. If you have questions about our financials, please contact us at (208)883- 1166 or email us at director Thank you for helping to give the homeless pets of Latah County a second chance! 2018 990 Form 2019 990 Form 2020 990 Form 2021 990 Form 2022 990 Form 2023 990 Form 2024 990 Form

  • HSoP Resource Library | HSoP

    HSoP Resource Library Below you will find a collection of resource pages for our pet-loving community members. Each page lists local resources for a variety of pet-related needs. Please feel free to view, download, print, and use these resources at any point in time. These resources are also available for the public at our facility. Assistance for Pet Owners - Services offered by HSoP Pet Rehoming Services and Assistance Lost Pet Resources Make a post on Petco Love Lost and look through the existing pets who were recently found. Found Pet Resources Pet Boarding Services Pet Training Services Veterinary Services Vet Bill Assistance

  • Get Involved | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Learn about the ways you can get involved in saving local homless pets. This includes donating, volunteering, and fostering. Get Involved! Our amazing community is truly what makes our work possible. The residents of Moscow and Latah County have continuously shown how much they care for local animals over the last 40 years. There's several ways to get involved in our lifesaving mission! Each year we have the help of countless volunteers who ensure each animal is safe and comfortable in our care. We also have an extremely generous community who funds more than 30% of our shelter expenses through donations! The community effort doesn't end there. Many of our toys, blankets, treats, and carriers have been donated by helpful residents of Moscow and Latah County, and event volunteers make sure our fundraising efforts are successful year after year! There are even some community members who choose a more hands-on approach and get involved by fostering animals still in search of their forever homes. We are always trying to brainstorm more ways our community can get involved in the work we do. If you have any questions or ideas about how you could help us save countless lives, please send us an email us at Donate Volunteer Foster Shop Thank you for allowing us to help those who cannot help themselves!

  • Foster Program | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Learn about our foster program. Foster families are the bridge between an animal shelter and a pet's new home! Fosters allow us to care for even more animals in need, and offer so much love along the way. Foster Program Fostering allows us to help even more pets in need than we're able to accommodate at the shelter. Fostering is a temporary and extremely rewarding experience. You can help little babies grow, help sick and injured pets grow stronger, and share plenty of love along the way to help our pets prepare for their adoptive forever homes. Fostering is an amazing way to open your heart and home to a pet in need, without the lifelong commitment that follows adoption. If you're interested in fostering with HSoP, we would love to hear from you! Please take some time to complete our foster application down below, and we will contact you when the need for a foster arises. Prefer paper and pen? Feel free to print a physical application and bring it to the shelter at your convenience: Have questions about the foster program? Please email us at . Download & Print Foster Application In order to be considered a foster home you must: Be 18 years of age Have a valid ID and proof of current address Understand that completing this application does not guarantee your foster status, and does not mean that Humane Society of the Palouse has approved your application. Which types of pets are you interested in fostering?* Dogs Cats Exotics *Bottle Babies (age 0-5 weeks old) Weaning kittens/puppies (age 5-8 weeks old) Kittens/puppies needing to be socialized Pregnant/nursing moms and babies Adult pets who need a break *Ill pets *Injured pets Senior pets Fospice *Cats with ringworm *Pets on medication trial * Identifies any group of fosters which will require extra care, medication, and more frequent check-ins with HSoP. Do you have a limit on the number of kittens/puppies in a litter that you would feel comfortable caring for?* Full Name(s)* Address* Mailing Address* Phone Number (Primary)* Phone Number (Work) Email* Housing (select all that apply)* Own Rent Live with parents Mobile home on owned land House, apartment, condo, or mobile home on leased land Landlord's Name Landlord's Phone Number How long have you lived at this address?* Do you have any roommates?* Are there children living at this address?* If yes, what are their ages? Are you planning to move in the near future?* Where will your foster(s) be held?* Do you have any unscreened windows, pet doors, or other means of unmonitored outdoor access?* Are you familiar with trimming pets' claws?* Would you like to learn? Are you willing to provide toys and enrichment to prevent boredom behaviors?* Do you own any animals now?* Are there any pets in the home that you don't own?* Please list all pets in your residence:* Include the species, sex, age, fixed status, vaccine status, and any present medical issues for each pet. Do you have experience with fostering that you would like to share with HSoP? Do you understand that fostering is only temporary, and that you must bring the foster(s) back to HSoP when they're ready for adoption?* Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself? By signing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood this application and agree that all information which has been provided by myself is true. Signature* Upload Image How did you hear about HSoP? Submit

  • Staff | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Meet the staff at our shelter! Learn about our animal care attendants, our shelter director, and our public relations manager. Meet the HSoP Staff CEO (Cat Executive Officer) The CEO (Cat Executive Officer) is a very important role at HSoP. As our sole CEO, NoTail ensures that everyone at the shelter is doing what they're supposed to be doing. She also works hard at being our greeter, HR representative, security guard, and overall bringer-of-joy. Make sure to pay NoTail her kisses tax the next time you visit HSoP! She can usually be found on our front counter during open hours. NoTail is a bit of a legend around here, and just celebrated her (estimated) 19th birthday in May of 2024! NoTail Animal Care Attendants HSoP Animal Care Attendants (ACA) properly care for and humanely and safely handle all companion animals under HSoP care until they are reunited with their families or adopted into loving and responsible homes through adoption counseling. Megan Kassidy Aurora Shelter Director The Shelter Director is responsible for the effective and efficient daily operation of the Humane Society of the Palouse, ensuring that all animals are properly cared for and humanely and safely handled. The Shelter Director is also responsible for the management and training of staff, and financial tasks, reporting, and record-keeping. Sierah To reach Sierah directly, please contact her through email at

  • Adopt | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Learn all there is to know about adopting a companion animal from our shelter. Get your questions answered here. We Don’t Sell Pets; We Adopt Them into Responsible and Loving Homes. We're dedicated to finding lasting forever homes for the unclaimed and homeless p ets in our care. We want each of these animals’ adoptive homes to be safe, loving, and permanent! We also strive to find the best match for our adopters. Assuring a good fit between an animal and their new family is our number one priority. We want both the animals and their new families to be safe and happy. Our adoption policies reflect this commitment. Thank you for considering pet adoption! HSoP finds forever homes for hundreds of homeless animals in our community each year. Every animal deserves to know love, stability, comfort, and family. Equally, you deserve to know the joy and unconditional love that comes with a rescued dog, cat, or critter. We strive to learn as much as we can about each animal under our care. HSoP staff and volunteers focus on learning as much as they can about each pet by observing their behaviors, habits, training, history, temperament, and personality. Our staff offer adoption counseling for potential adopters, along with follow-up behavior counseling as needed following adoption. Each adoption begins with a seven day “foster period” and health guarantee. This foster period allows time for the adopted pet to settle in and become acquainted with their new family, while giving the family time to observe the pet and raise any concerns to shelter staff. Our adoption fees are far less than the total cost of preventative care that each pet adopted from HSoP receives prior to their adoption. Take a look below for more information about the preventative care provided to each pet who finds a home through HSoP: Before being adopted, all pets receive this veterinary/preventative care: • Preliminary vaccinations ( DAPPVL & Bordatella (Kennel Cough) for dogs, FVRCP for cats) • Spaying or neutering • Treatment for parasites • Microchip identification • 1-year rabies vaccination (for cats and dogs over 4 months old) Adoptable pets Adoption Applications Feline adoption fee includes: Spay or Neuter FVRCP vaccination(s) Rabies vaccination (if old enough to receive at time of adoption) De-worming Microchip Identification 7- day foster period (a full week to make sure it's a purrrfect fit!) 7-day health guarantee Canine adoption fee includes: Spay or Neuter DAPPVL vaccination(s) Bordetella vaccination Rabies Vaccination (if ol d enough to receive at time of adoption) De-worming Microchip Identification 7- day foster period (a full week to make sure it's a purrrfect fit!) 7-day health guarantee

  • FAQs | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Frequently Asked Questions about our shelter and the animals in it! Get your questions answered here. Does HSoP euthanize animals? The Humane Society of the Palouse is a low/no-kill shelter. HSoP will not euthanize adoptable animals due to space. We’ve stayed true to our mission for 45 years and are committed to preserving and nurturing the lives of all the rescued animals in our care. We reserve humane euthanasia only in instances when animals are suffering greatly with no potential for relief, or if an animal is so aggressive that he or she presents a danger to people or other animals and cannot be safely handled or placed. The decision to euthanize is never made lightly and done only with the best interest of the animal in mind. HSoP is committed to providing all of the animals we rescue with the individualized and compassionate care they need and deserve until they are adopted by responsible, loving people. How many canines does HSoP help per year? Each year HSoP provides temporary housing for anywhere from 200-300 dogs. How many dogs are returned to their owner, and how many are adopted out per year? For stray dogs that are found within Moscow city limits, HSoP on average will be able to reunite 60% with their owners and 40% will remain in shelter care until adopted. Whereas stray dogs that are found outside of Moscow city limits, HSoP on average will be able to reunite 40% with their owners and 60% will remain in shelter care until adopted. We strongly encourage all pet owners to equip their pets with accurate ID to increase the likelihood of them coming home if they ever get lost. We encourage microchip ID for all pets, and strongly recommend a collar with an ID tag containing the owner's contact number. How many felines does HSoP help per year? Each year HSoP provides temporary housing for anywhere from 200-300 cats. HSoP generally has more cats than dogs How many cats are returned to their owner, and how many are adopted out per year? For stray cats that are found within Moscow city limits, HSoP on average will be able to reunite 10% with their owners and 90% will remain in shelter care until adopted. Whereas stray cats that are found outside of Moscow city limits, HSoP on average will be able to reunite 1% with their owners and 99% will remain in shelter care until adopted. We strongly encourage all pet owners to equip their pets with accurate ID to increase the likelihood of them coming home if they ever get lost. We encourage microchip ID for all pets, and strongly recommend a collar with an ID tag containing the owner's contact number. Cats should wear breakaway collars if possible. How is HSoP funded? For a more detailed view of HSoP finances, visit our Financial Transparency page. How much funding needs to be donated or raised by HSoP to make up the 35% and 8% of the annual budget? Each year, HSoP has to raise over $80,000 through donations and fundraising just to keep our doors open. This is why any size donation is greatly appreciated. Without the generous and continued support of our pet community, HSoP would not be able to do what we do. Donate today! Is the Humane Society of the Palouse part of the Humane Society of the United States? No. HSoP has no affiliation with HSUS or the ASPCA. Though we do look to the national animal welfare organizations to stay current with best practices, we do not receive funding nor are we affiliated with them. HSoP does apply for grants through these large national organizations, however HSoP does not receive annual funding from the HSUS or ASPCA. Who is involved with HSoP? City of Moscow, Chief of Police City of Moscow owns the building and pays for utilities and make up 22% of HSoP yearly budget. Latah county provides 10% of HSoPs’ yearly budget. HSoP presents to the County Commissioners every year to request funding. HSoP Voluntary Board of Directors 14 members who bring a variety of expertise to the organization. HSoP has a full time staff of 5 that include: Shelter Director Animal Care Attendants Public Relations Manager Countless Volunteers Does the Humane Society of the Palouse pick up stray animals? The Humane Society does not pick up animals. Stray dogs found within Moscow city limits can be reported to the Animal Control Officer by calling (208)882-2677. If a stray dog is found in Latah County, citizens can call the Latah County Sheriff’s office at (208)882-2216 for assistance, but do so knowing there is no animal control for Latah County. There is no animal control for stray cats. Where does HSoP list stray or impounded animals? HSoP lists all stray or unclaimed animals on our Facebook page. To see the most recent stray and impounded animals, please visit our Facebook page through this link: Humane Society of the Palouse | Facebook If my pet is missing, could it be at the animal shelter? Hundreds of companion animals come into the shelter every year from Latah County. If your pet is missing, it is important that you contact the shelter as soon as possible so that a missing pet report can be completed and shelter staff can be notified to look for your pet. It is also important that you visit the shelter in-person and look for your pet on a regular basis. Please remember that it is the responsibility of the pet owner to search for their missing pet; however, HSoP will do everything possible to assist you in doing so. We also encourage posting a photo, description and information about where your pet went missing from as well as when to local lost and found groups on Facebook. What happens if my pet is brought to the shelter? If your pet is not readily identifiable by tag or microchip, your pet will be held for a stray holding period. Dogs found in the City of Moscow have a 10-day holding period. Dogs found outside of Moscow but within Latah County have a 6-day holding period. Cats found anywhere within Moscow or Latah County have a 6-day holding period. The Shelter will make every effort to contact you regarding your pet during this time. Reclaim fees apply in each situation and must be paid prior to reclaiming your pet. Unclaimed pets become the property of HSoP following the end of a stray holding period. Once this happens, they start the process of becoming ready for adoption. Please ensure that all of your pets have accurate ID to increase the chance of being reunited with them if they ever get lost. What does it cost to reclaim my pet from the shelter? Pet owners are charged an impound fee of $20.00. To reclaim a dog that lives within Moscow city limits, if the dog is not already licensed with the city, the purchase of a lifetime license is mandatory. The license is $25.00 for altered dogs and $35.00 for intact dogs. Boarding fees of $10.00 per day are charged for each day of impound after the initial twenty-four hours of arrival at the Shelter Do I have to have my pet spayed or neutered? Spaying or neutering is not required for reclaimed pets, although we encourage responsible sterilization of pets and offer assistance through S.N.A.P. Spaying or neutering your pets can prevent unwanted litters and even prevent some cancers in your beloved cat or dog. There are already so many homeless cats and dogs at the shelter, we don't need anymore! If you are in need of assistance having your pet spayed or neutered, please apply for our Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP). If I witness what I believe to be an act of animal cruelty, who do I call? Humane Society of the Palouse encourages the public to IMMEDIATELY report acts of animal cruelty or neglect to Animal Control by calling (208) 882-2677 if occurring within Moscow city limits, and (208) 882-2216 if occurring in Latah County. HSoP does not have the ability to report cruelty or neglect secondhand. If we are contacted about situations of this kind, we will direct them to contact local law enforcement. Does HSoP offer veterinary services to the pulbic? Though we would love to offer spaying/neutering and vaccination services to our local pet community, HSoP does not have the ability or facilities to do so at this time. HSoP does offer assistance through our Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP), and microchipping services. For a list of local veterinary services, please view the Veterinary Services resource page in the HSoP Resource Library. Does it cost money to surrender an owned animal? Yes. HSoP does ask for a small donation to help provide care for owned pets that have been surrendered. Please visit our Owner Surrender page to learn more. How old do I have to be to visit the shelter? Anyone is welcome to visit the shelter during our open hours! We do have some restrictions about who can see and interact with shelter pets: - You must be at least 18 years old to enter our dog kennels or to interact with our adoptable dogs without a parent or guardian present. - You must be at least 18 years old to interact with our adoptable cats without a parent or guardian present (unless you're working a junior volunteer shift). - Those 17 and under are welcome to visit the shelter and interact will all of our adoptable pets, so long as they're accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. I'm going on vacation, can you board my pet? No. At this time HSoP does not offer boarding services for pets. There are several boarding facilities throughout Latah County and most vet clinics will also board. For a list of local boarding services, please view our Pet Boarding Services resource sheet in the HSoP Resource Library. I found a wild animal hurt in my yard, what should I do? HSoP is not equipped care for wildlife. If you've found an injured or orphaned wild bird or animal, please call Palouse Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation at (208) 614-2273. For more information, please visit their website: Palouse Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation I found a feral cat, what do I do? HSoP does not have the ability to provide care for feral cats within our facility. We do have a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program for feral cats living on owned property in Latah County. The program intends to reduce feline infectious diseases and homeless cat births in our region, by providing feral cats with vaccines, spay/neuter surgeries, and ear-tips for identification. Why can’t I bring my animal to the Humane Society of the Palouse if I live outside of Latah County? HSoP does not euthanize to make space. We do not have the capacity, space, or manpower to receive animals from outside of the agreed jurisdiction we have with the City of Moscow and Latah County. We recommend contacting the shelter that services your county and they may be able to help. Frequently Asked Questions Click here to read about some of the fur kids HSoP has been able to help thanks to our generous community!

  • Support us on WoofTrax! | HSoP

    Support local pets in need while walking your dog! Download WoofTrax today and select HSoP as your preferred shelter. When you walk while using the app, they'll donate to support our cause! Raise Money for HSoP on WoofTrax! Did you know that you can generate funds for HSoP and the pets we serve, just by walking your dog? WoofTrax is an app that turns your daily walks into donations that help pets in need at your local shelter. Getting started is easy, and there is truly no cost to you! Here's are the steps: Download WoofTrax from the App Store or Google Play Store. Create an account and select Humane Society of the Palouse as your preferred charity. Open the app when you take your pups for a walk, and start raising funds for HSoP! WoofTrax will make a donation to HSoP based on the distance you walked. It really is that easy! If you own a dog, you may already go on several walks per day. WoofTrax is a great way to make your outings extra meaningful. When you walk while supporting HSoP, you're helping us provide second chance to every lost and homeless pet who comes our way. Download WoofTrax today! (P.S. You can walk without a dog and still raise funds for HSoP!) You may be wondering how WoofTrax donates money to our cause with our costing you a dime. Great question! The answer is quite simple, really. WoofTrax receives money from advertisements shown on the app, and this money is distributed to shelters based on the preference of walkers who see the ads. Visit the WoofTrax Website

  • Kitten Season | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Learn all about kitten season at our shelter! Kitten Season What is kitten season? Did you know that the feline reproductive cycle is influenced by two factors; warmer weather and the amount of daylight in a 24-hour period? In our local temperate climate, we experience the warmer weather during March-October. This time of the year is referred to as "Kitten Season". There are many cats who live outdoors and indoor/outdoor that are not spayed/neutered. These cats begin reproducing when the weather heats up causing a major influx of homeless kittens. How can you help? Spay and neuter your pets! Spaying and neutering not only stops cats from reproducing, but also alleviates some dangerous health concerns for your pet. Need financial assistance? Check out our Spay-Neuter-Assistance-Program. Do you have a feral cat on your property? Take a look at our Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program for feral cats in Latah County. Donate supplies! Each year, HSoP takes in roughly 150 orphaned kittens without their mom. These kittens require extra love and care while they grow up! Some needed items: heat pads, kitten milk replacement, kitten nursing bottles, karo syrup, canned kitten food, gerber baby food, and baby wipes. To check out our current needs, visit Donate . Donate money! Many orphaned kittens come to HSoP sick and injured, and need immediate veterinary assistance. Our life-saving medical fund is used most often during kitten season. To read more about this fund and make a donation, visit Merlin Fund . Volunteer! HSoP always needs kitten socializers, and we could use your help! Kittens that are unable to go into foster care need extra time with people to help them become socialized. Interested in becoming a volunteer? Visit Volunteer . Foster a litter! HSoP relies on our foster parents tremendously during kitten season! Kittens sent into foster are safer, happier, and healthier than if they were staying at the shelter. HSoP trains each foster home through an orientation, and is available 24/7 for foster emergencies. Want to help us save lives? visit Foster program .

  • Services | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Learn about the services we offer to residents of Moscow and Latah County. This covers animal intake, owner surrenders, stray pets, bite quarantine holds, and City of Moscow dog licenses. Microchipping When a stray pet comes to HSoP, the first thing we do is scan them for a microchip. If they have one, this will tell us exactly how to get in contact with the owners. Microchips are placed under the pet's skin and are about the size of a grain of rice. Microchipping Engraved Pet ID Tags If your pet were to wander off and get lost, the first thing their finder would look for is an ID tag. ID tags provide contact information for pet owners, which can greatly speed up the process of getting a lost pet home. HSoP has an IMARC pet ID tag engraver that we offer as a service for local pet owners. Customized tags cost $12.00, and there are plenty of styles to choose from. City of Moscow Dog License Pet ID Tags Did you know that every dog in Moscow needs to be registered with the City of Moscow? Thankfully, your humane society is here to help! With cash or check, you can purchase a lifetime license from HSoP. "Fixed" animals, or those who are spayed or neutered, cost $25 for a lifetime license. "Unfixed" or intact dogs cost $35 for a lifetime license. Give us a call today to learn more! City Dog License

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We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit

EIN: 82-0349958

2019 E White Ave

PO Box 8847

Moscow, Idaho 83843

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© 2022 by Humane Society of the Palouse.


Humane Society of the Palouse is a proud Recipient of funding from Maddie's Fund®,


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